Friday, July 24, 2009


Update 1:
At least six large Rubbermaid bins of junk have been tossed from my basement. At least 6 more to go. At least 4 small to medium garbage bags of junk and garbage have been removed from my room. At least 5 boxes of storage stuff. I put nice and cheap WalMart curtains up - I like the feel it gives to the room. And that is HALF of the room dejunked. I have a few more things to junk. And the other half of the room to tackle. If I am brave enough, I will take before and after pictures for you all to view.

Update 2:
Took the day off work to see the counsellor at the mental health center. She met with Jaron and I and she wants to see us again. She gave me a book about success with ADHD - though there is no diagnosis yet. And sent us to a get a referal for a child psychologist whose special interest is attention issues. It was actually a fairly difficult thing for Jaron. So I took him out for a nice treat afterwards.